YOURCAR, Germany

German car sharing fleet

Invest in German car sharing service combining Free Floating and Station-based Cars.

  • CARS
Fundraising goal:

750.000 EUR

Elevator pitch

YourCar is a bootstrapped, climate-neutral car sharing service offering Free Floating and Station-based cars. Our fleet counts 50 cars with 3000 registered users and over 235.000 EUR in annual revenues. After our successful launch, we are planning our expansion to new cities in Germany and Europe as well as upgrading our portfolio by expanding to other mobility platforms (electric scooters).

Andreas Behrens, CEO of YourCar GmbH


  • Product Market Fit startup with 3000 users registered in Göttingen (130.000 citizens) acquired since Q4 2015.
  • 235.000 EUR revenues in 2018.
  • Toll-free parking for users thanks to city counsel exemption.
  • Know-how and proof of concept, ready to expand to new cities.
  • 500.000 EUR invested so far.


  • Co-founder
    Boris Manuel Hillmann

    Entrepreneur with vast experience in environmental economics and project management, focused on business development, communication and fleet management.

  • Co-founder
    Andreas Behrens

    Experienced IT manager, focused on technology, strategy and marketing.

  • Co-founder
    Günter Giffels

    Former CEO of several companies in the media sector, serves as advisor, business and financial consultant.

Fundraising Goal

Investment Goals
  • Expansion to new cities in Germany.
  • Expanding our portfolio to other mobility platforms (electric scooters).
  • Fleet acquisition.
  • Negotiation with chosen cities councils.
  • Double company’s revenues by 2022.
Use of Funds